Saturday, June 21, 2014


This blog post was originally supposed to be my first YouTube video but study, exams and life got in the way so I have decided to blog on the subject instead!

As you may know from previous posts, I'm heading to Europe shortly for a study filled summer (because two regular semesters of study aren't enough ey?) Naturally, I have been in full summer-body prep mode. We're talking pumping it at the gym, getting some serious cardio in and smoothies out the wazoo! This has all left me feeling great and looking (much) better! The thing is though, I'm going to the land of cheesy pizza and sweet gelato (Italy in case that wasn't obvious), so there is no doubt I will be eating my weight in pasta daily if not for every meal... Lets not forget the wine either.

So, how to maintain (or at least not completely loose all) of my Euro-Summer body? Well, here are my top 6 tips for keeping fit while on global adventures.

1. This one's a no brainer; WALK. Just walk everywhere. As much as possible. Best part about it is by walking places instead of just grabbing a cab everywhere, you will see so much more of the no-doubt beautiful city you are visiting. This (not so) sneaky tip is great because you wont even realise you're doing cardio, you'll be too distracted by the windy little streets you get lost in.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Packing for Italy: BEAUTY BAG

As you may know if you read my last post, I'm going to Itlay in July for an intensive study abroad program. Not only will it be summer while I'm there but it will be the hottest time of summer! I'll be sure to work up a sweat just stepping out of my hotel!

As it's going to be so hot and I wont have much space I'm going to (try) to pack minimal makeup and clothes. We'll see how that goes... These are my (current) travel beauty essentials, sure to change soon! But for the time being, these are my go to for light packing and super hot weather!